Cinders & Ashes 3: Discussion Blog!

Discussion_Blo_20190212-233622_1 Cinders & Ashes 3
 Beloved Member Keith has asked me to put up a blog for discussion of the third book (make sure if you're a Member, you get yours NOW, as you get it FIRST and FREE until March 27, 2021: you can download it in the Members area - click the login/account). Put your thoughts in the comments below. I can't wait to hear what you think!This disc...
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  3447 Hits
3447 Hits

Khoth's "Junk" & Other Sensual Matters...

Help_Blog Help Me With Alien Peen!
 Guys,So the time has come to talk about alien penis. Yes, alien penis. This is a serious topic that deserves all of our attention!  It is to advance science...But, in all seriousness, I want to hear your thoughts not just about what Khoth's junk might look like, but mating and other sexual practices you think the Thaf'ell might have!You ...
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  3446 Hits
3446 Hits

Help Me Build-An-Alien

So for those of you who have been following along with Empire of Stars, you know that Jace and Khoth are about to meet with new aliens in the Alliance and ask them to join their crew!I'm looking for help in designing these crew mates!In the comments below, please put the following:NAME OF CHARACTERSPECIES NAMEHOME PLANETPHYSICAL DESCRIPTIONPERSONAL...
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  4341 Hits
4341 Hits

NARROW IT DOWN! Which Serial and Chapter Do You Want Me to Read?

Storytime_Blog Narrow it Down!
You guys were so awesome in your voting for which serial I should read a chapter live to you from that we had almost a four-way tie of stories that had about the same number of votes, so I wanted to put those close serials up for a final vote. So among the following, which story do you want me to read from?  VOTE!!!! {advpoll id='8' ...
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  3492 Hits
3492 Hits

What Story Should I Read A Chapter From?

Help_Blog Pick a Serial!
​Earlier this week, I asked you all if you would be interested in some "live" content where I could answer questions and/or read a chapter from one of the serials, a "Raythe Reads" and this would happen on FB Live or doing a Live Stream on Youtube (I'm leaning towards the latter.) The overwhelming vote was for me reading a chapter!  Which I am...
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  2501 Hits
2501 Hits

Interaction - Would You Like to Hear My Voice?

Help_Blog Help Us Out!
So it is my birthday today... yeah, I'm sure you can imagine that the day is not as happy as it could be, but, in all honesty, I am trying to be grateful for every good thing. I am not sick. No one I know is sick. I have plenty of food (though not toilet paper...), a roof over my head, friends and family (though I can only see them from a far or on...
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  3233 Hits
3233 Hits

TIDEBOUND - Help Raythe With A Story!

CreatetheNextSerial_Blog Help With Tidebound!
​This is always an exciting time for me!  Putting together the next serial for the site makes me giddy!  Normally, I have vague ideas and come to you guys with them and we vote. But I have a story that's literally burning a hole in my brain and I must get it out. Now this is just the beginning of the process but I'm going to lay out for y...
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  4567 Hits
4567 Hits

Help Me Build Some Dragons!

FeaturedStory_Blog Help Me Build Some Dragons!
As you know there are nine Dragon Shifters in Dragon's Reign, but these are the only ones I've actually talked about: Dragon King ValeriusSpirit: RazielColor: BlackSize: TitanicPower: Fire plus others undiscovered.Main Seat of Power: USCadenSpirit: IolaireColor: WhiteSize: SmallPower: Ice plus others undiscovered.Main Seat of Power​: None...
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  9713 Hits
9713 Hits