Help Me Build-An-Alien


So for those of you who have been following along with Empire of Stars, you know that Jace and Khoth are about to meet with new aliens in the Alliance and ask them to join their crew!

I'm looking for help in designing these crew mates!

In the comments below, please put the following:







You can, of course, be as imaginative as you like! I may take part or all of what suggest. I am looking to be inspired and I'm sure that you won't let me down.



keith on Friday, 15 January 2021 19:28

OMG Khoth is so beautiful I'm crying
sorry i don't have alien ideas i'm just commenting to fangirl over khoth
i love him

OMG Khoth is so beautiful I'm crying sorry i don't have alien ideas i'm just commenting to fangirl over khoth i love him
Raythe on Friday, 15 January 2021 19:34

We all love him. And yes, he is most gorgeous!

We all love him. And yes, he is most gorgeous!
GuyDrgnLvr on Saturday, 16 January 2021 05:21

SORRY BUT he is not as gorgeous as my FEROCIOUS boi that made up! is he beautiful? yes. CAN HE SURVIVE ON A HEAVY METAL DEATHWORLD?
one question: are we going to see the Kin from The Abyss (which I am currently reading) showing up, be a cool crossover!

SORRY BUT he is not as gorgeous as my FEROCIOUS boi that made up:D! is he beautiful? yes. CAN HE SURVIVE ON A HEAVY METAL DEATHWORLD? one question: are we going to see the Kin from The Abyss (which I am currently reading) showing up, be a cool crossover!
RedHeadPhotog on Saturday, 16 January 2021 03:04

Right?! I can’t get over how amazing that drawing is.

Right?! I can’t get over how amazing that drawing is.
ipodpixie on Sunday, 17 January 2021 00:40

I wish we could see him out of that lovely tight suit. He is truly amazing!!!

I wish we could see him out of that lovely tight suit. He is truly amazing!!!
AzureH on Friday, 15 January 2021 20:52




PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Birk is humanoid, lithe and androgynous, but skews more masculine. He’s taller than Jace but shorter than Koth. Black wavy hair parted to the right that just touches their chin. They have golden yellow skin that shimmers when emotions change. Their iris are green with black sclera and a third nictitating eyelid.

PERSONALITY: Birk is young and a bit naive. He has a bubbly and fun personality. He’s optimistic but not cocky and can take a joke. He’s blunt but not in a deprecating or mean way and always finds the positive in every situation. He starts to follow Thammah around like a lovesick puppy which she gloriously and mischievously exploits for her amusement. Like telling him all humans say hello by giving long hugs and kisses on each cheek.

SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF! Birk and Birk’s race is fast, like really fast. Their bones are strong but light and flexible which makes them fast, agile sprinters who can change direction or stop on a dime. Birk is a tactical and chemical weapons expert. His planet mines various minerals for use in bombs, their main export but the Alliance does not find their planet as valuable because they are a little too far from Haseon even with a jump gate so near their planet.

NAME OF CHARACTER: Birk Netah SPECIES NAME: Akron HOME PLANET: Sorian5 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Birk is humanoid, lithe and androgynous, but skews more masculine. He’s taller than Jace but shorter than Koth. Black wavy hair parted to the right that just touches their chin. They have golden yellow skin that shimmers when emotions change. Their iris are green with black sclera and a third nictitating eyelid. PERSONALITY: Birk is young and a bit naive. He has a bubbly and fun personality. He’s optimistic but not cocky and can take a joke. He’s blunt but not in a deprecating or mean way and always finds the positive in every situation. He starts to follow Thammah around like a lovesick puppy which she gloriously and mischievously exploits for her amusement. Like telling him all humans say hello by giving long hugs and kisses on each cheek. SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF! Birk and Birk’s race is fast, like really fast. Their bones are strong but light and flexible which makes them fast, agile sprinters who can change direction or stop on a dime. Birk is a tactical and chemical weapons expert. His planet mines various minerals for use in bombs, their main export but the Alliance does not find their planet as valuable because they are a little too far from Haseon even with a jump gate so near their planet.
MyaUzumaki on Friday, 15 January 2021 21:17




Squid like beings. Heads pointed in typical triangle. Two long tenticals dangling down from head on either side of face. Rounded faces with a smooth mouth. Smooth bodies to swim through the deep waters of the planet.a total of 6 tenticals four for arms and two for legs. Comes in various colors. Can change depending on mood.

Protective yet shy about appearance. Doesnt like the over sexualization of their species. Likes their body suit because they can hide in it


NAME OF CHARACTER Ouh SPECIES NAME Usqex HOME PLANET Arculs PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Squid like beings. Heads pointed in typical triangle. Two long tenticals dangling down from head on either side of face. Rounded faces with a smooth mouth. Smooth bodies to swim through the deep waters of the planet.a total of 6 tenticals four for arms and two for legs. Comes in various colors. Can change depending on mood. PERSONALITY Protective yet shy about appearance. Doesnt like the over sexualization of their species. Likes their body suit because they can hide in it SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF!
MyaUzumaki on Friday, 15 January 2021 21:18

Ouwaku it the name sorry

Ouwaku it the name sorry
wildroseriver on Friday, 15 January 2021 21:17

Name: Rikut Tazs
Species: Xabreeze
Planet: Xabralous
Physical Descrption: The Xabreeze have a vague resemblance to bees if bees were black and various shades of teals and greens instead of yellow. Although their facial and body structure is more humanoid than insect, they’re looked down upon. This is mostly due to their “bug” like attributes that so many associate with the Kuhl. Rikut a proud male of his species is tall, midnight skinned with an almost phosphorescent lime green striping. Like most in his species he is bald but has fine soft manes of hair in a blended tone of black and green that grows on his wrists up his forearms, encasing his lower legs from knee to ankle, and surrounding his neck almost like a natural choker. His eyes are a bright green and the skin tone around his eyes is slightly lighter than the rest of his body leaving a natural mask like look around the eye. He has iridescent wings that look like oil slick and two fine black antenna that reach out of his upper forehead.
Personality: Rikut is an incredible scientist/geneticist of his species. His Queen has tasked him with finding ways to make their people either unusable or deadly to the Kuhl by breaking their own or the Kuhl’s genetic code. Rikut is dedicated but not afraid to get his hands dirty. He’ll run into the battle and while everyone is wrapped up in death and destruction he’s collecting sample or data. He’s not weak though, never one to be taken by surprise, Rikut is a hand to hand combat master. His biggest downfall is his inability to drop the science or the serious to get in touch with his fellow man. Where Koth’s people strive for lack of emotion Rikut honestly has trouble reaching his emotional side.
Special Alien Stuff: Xabreeze wings allow them flight for short distances, like bees they convert any sugar in their body to produce a wax like material that is surprising strong and resilient. Most of their structures and household items are made from it. It also means they have to ingest copious amounts of sugar on a regular basis. Also like bees they work in communities or hives. Xabreeze within the same community can communicate with telepathic like precision over certain distances. There is a defined hierarchy structure with different classes of jobs etc. However, as the species has evolved they’ve learned to tone down the collective mind and balance it with individual needs and wants for a more balanced society.

Name: Rikut Tazs Species: Xabreeze Planet: Xabralous Physical Descrption: The Xabreeze have a vague resemblance to bees if bees were black and various shades of teals and greens instead of yellow. Although their facial and body structure is more humanoid than insect, they’re looked down upon. This is mostly due to their “bug” like attributes that so many associate with the Kuhl. Rikut a proud male of his species is tall, midnight skinned with an almost phosphorescent lime green striping. Like most in his species he is bald but has fine soft manes of hair in a blended tone of black and green that grows on his wrists up his forearms, encasing his lower legs from knee to ankle, and surrounding his neck almost like a natural choker. His eyes are a bright green and the skin tone around his eyes is slightly lighter than the rest of his body leaving a natural mask like look around the eye. He has iridescent wings that look like oil slick and two fine black antenna that reach out of his upper forehead. Personality: Rikut is an incredible scientist/geneticist of his species. His Queen has tasked him with finding ways to make their people either unusable or deadly to the Kuhl by breaking their own or the Kuhl’s genetic code. Rikut is dedicated but not afraid to get his hands dirty. He’ll run into the battle and while everyone is wrapped up in death and destruction he’s collecting sample or data. He’s not weak though, never one to be taken by surprise, Rikut is a hand to hand combat master. His biggest downfall is his inability to drop the science or the serious to get in touch with his fellow man. Where Koth’s people strive for lack of emotion Rikut honestly has trouble reaching his emotional side. Special Alien Stuff: Xabreeze wings allow them flight for short distances, like bees they convert any sugar in their body to produce a wax like material that is surprising strong and resilient. Most of their structures and household items are made from it. It also means they have to ingest copious amounts of sugar on a regular basis. Also like bees they work in communities or hives. Xabreeze within the same community can communicate with telepathic like precision over certain distances. There is a defined hierarchy structure with different classes of jobs etc. However, as the species has evolved they’ve learned to tone down the collective mind and balance it with individual needs and wants for a more balanced society.
wildroseriver on Friday, 15 January 2021 21:28

Sorry I realized I went ridiculously detailed on this specific character and it was just to help me flush out the species. Obviously change, use, or don’t use whatever you want. I just all of a sudden couldn’t stop spitting stuff out.

Sorry I realized I went ridiculously detailed on this specific character and it was just to help me flush out the species. Obviously change, use, or don’t use whatever you want. I just all of a sudden couldn’t stop spitting stuff out. :D
keith on Friday, 15 January 2021 23:00

i love your character! (maybe because i'm a scientist too ^^)

i love your character! (maybe because i'm a scientist too ^^)
GuyDrgnLvr on Saturday, 16 January 2021 05:12

i went even more into detail on my boy! I wanted something truly alien from a very dangerous unstable planet in constant upheaval. but I like your slightly mad beedrill warrior scientist!

i went even more into detail on my boy! I wanted something truly alien from a very dangerous unstable planet in constant upheaval. but I like your slightly mad beedrill warrior scientist!
ShalynnaJC on Monday, 18 January 2021 05:23

Need a scientist somewhere! I like the part where he's trying to beat the Kuhl through research instead of battle

Need a scientist somewhere! I like the part where he's trying to beat the Kuhl through research instead of battle :)
RedHeadPhotog on Friday, 15 January 2021 23:39

NAME OF CHARACTER: Unpronounceable by anything with a vocal box so goes by designation Phese
SPECIES NAME: Chiccolli - named for their planet.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: This is a very diverse species. They range in earth tones and while vaguely humanoid some might have four limbs while others have six, etc. They are very good at camouflage on their home planet. No vocal box since they are mainly telepathic but can make a variety of noises with hands, limbs, etc. This particular character should be on the smaller side but with long dexterous fingers and toes. Very specialized for grabbing onto things (both to fix and to climb).
PERSONALITY: Quiet but tinkers constantly. Very good and making things on the spot. Engineer.
SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF! TELEPATHIC! This is both great for secret communication and bad because it’s hard for them to communicate with allies. I had a mix of a chameleon with Chimp hands in mind when I designed this.

NAME OF CHARACTER: Unpronounceable by anything with a vocal box so goes by designation Phese SPECIES NAME: Chiccolli - named for their planet. HOME PLANET: Chiccoll PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: This is a very diverse species. They range in earth tones and while vaguely humanoid some might have four limbs while others have six, etc. They are very good at camouflage on their home planet. No vocal box since they are mainly telepathic but can make a variety of noises with hands, limbs, etc. This particular character should be on the smaller side but with long dexterous fingers and toes. Very specialized for grabbing onto things (both to fix and to climb). PERSONALITY: Quiet but tinkers constantly. Very good and making things on the spot. Engineer. SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF! TELEPATHIC! This is both great for secret communication and bad because it’s hard for them to communicate with allies. I had a mix of a chameleon with Chimp hands in mind when I designed this.
GuyDrgnLvr on Saturday, 16 January 2021 23:58

My character is THE UNPROUNUNCABLE😨. Sounds like something from the Outer dark😁

My character is THE UNPROUNUNCABLE😨. Sounds like something from the Outer dark😁
sorcha on Saturday, 16 January 2021 00:39

NAME OF CHARACTER: Biscepius Crostus Anumaus Zonk III

SPECIES NAME: Qxal, aka species 8579

HOME PLANET: Horbanum I - IV

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: They range in size (3ft-7ft) and color (more opalescent and ombre than single shade/tone). Their fingers are long, slender, and slightly larger pads/fingertips. They have no fingerprints, three eyes, and their feet are more ape-like which allows them to travel vertically as easily as they do horizontally. They have immense core strength, but prefer to use their intellect over physical strength.

PERSONALITY: think star trek ferengi. Always willing/wanting to make a deal/trade. They like having people owe them debts/favors-which to them is also a type of currency. They do their best to come out on top of deals, as they don't like owing anyone-but their greed may be the downfall of the young/over-ambitious. They value nature, and are collectors of endangered/extinct species of all forms of life (animals, bacteria, plant) from all planets, which they do their best to keep in natural habitats.

SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF!: They live underground, and share Horbanum III with the reptilian-like Salmilien.

NAME OF CHARACTER: Biscepius Crostus Anumaus Zonk III SPECIES NAME: Qxal, aka species 8579 HOME PLANET: Horbanum I - IV PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: They range in size (3ft-7ft) and color (more opalescent and ombre than single shade/tone). Their fingers are long, slender, and slightly larger pads/fingertips. They have no fingerprints, three eyes, and their feet are more ape-like which allows them to travel vertically as easily as they do horizontally. They have immense core strength, but prefer to use their intellect over physical strength. PERSONALITY: think star trek ferengi. Always willing/wanting to make a deal/trade. They like having people owe them debts/favors-which to them is also a type of currency. They do their best to come out on top of deals, as they don't like owing anyone-but their greed may be the downfall of the young/over-ambitious. They value nature, and are collectors of endangered/extinct species of all forms of life (animals, bacteria, plant) from all planets, which they do their best to keep in natural habitats. SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF!: They live underground, and share Horbanum III with the reptilian-like Salmilien.
Meeka454 on Saturday, 16 January 2021 02:02

Name: Zan An'alar

Species name: Zanarian

Home Planet: Zanar

Physical description: Humaniod, 6 1/2 ft tall, slim, short silky black fur over back from neck down to waist, from waist to toes and arms, golden skin on face and chest, with tattoo designation of family line on chest, longer fur on head, with gold markings, silver/gold cat eyes, long prensile tail, and retractable claws on hands and feet. Only the royal family has black fur with gold markings, silver/gold eyes, (Your choice Raythe, how he lines up in the royal family, lol), others are every other color with contrasting markings and different body shapes, slimmer, bulker, from 4 ft to 8 ft tall range. All have retractable claws, long prensile tails, super fast. They do wear clothes, and no touching Zan without express permission due to his royal status and his emphatic abilities. Planet not allowed in alliance due to their 'powers' and not believing in just 'logical' thinking, and their planet is a bit far away. They are technologically advanced: space ships, satellites, etc, but do not have enough to fight the Khul on their own.

Personality: Shy at first, funny, a little awkward, has a sweet tooth, afraid of small creepy crawalies, intensely focused on medical field, healing. Guilty pleasure: Raythe Reign stories, especially The Abyss 1 and 2.

Special alien stuff: specialized medical doctor, emphatic, healer, his powers can regrow body parts for others, but comes at a cost, but gradually getting stronger in this type of healing, others of his species have other specialized powers that help in their preferred field/job. He has an 8 ft muscled bodyguard, mahogany fur with white markings. Powers: mind control, faster than the eye can follow, super strong, loyal only to Zan.

Name: Zan An'alar Species name: Zanarian Home Planet: Zanar Physical description: Humaniod, 6 1/2 ft tall, slim, short silky black fur over back from neck down to waist, from waist to toes and arms, golden skin on face and chest, with tattoo designation of family line on chest, longer fur on head, with gold markings, silver/gold cat eyes, long prensile tail, and retractable claws on hands and feet. Only the royal family has black fur with gold markings, silver/gold eyes, (Your choice Raythe, how he lines up in the royal family, lol), others are every other color with contrasting markings and different body shapes, slimmer, bulker, from 4 ft to 8 ft tall range. All have retractable claws, long prensile tails, super fast. They do wear clothes, and no touching Zan without express permission due to his royal status and his emphatic abilities. Planet not allowed in alliance due to their 'powers' and not believing in just 'logical' thinking, and their planet is a bit far away. They are technologically advanced: space ships, satellites, etc, but do not have enough to fight the Khul on their own. Personality: Shy at first, funny, a little awkward, has a sweet tooth, afraid of small creepy crawalies, intensely focused on medical field, healing. Guilty pleasure: Raythe Reign stories, especially The Abyss 1 and 2. ;):p Special alien stuff: specialized medical doctor, emphatic, healer, his powers can regrow body parts for others, but comes at a cost, but gradually getting stronger in this type of healing, others of his species have other specialized powers that help in their preferred field/job. He has an 8 ft muscled bodyguard, mahogany fur with white markings. Powers: mind control, faster than the eye can follow, super strong, loyal only to Zan.
trugemini on Saturday, 16 January 2021 03:30


SPECIES NAME: Charturi (pronounced Sharturi)

HOME PLANET: Charturion

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Female with brown Skin, elvish ears with a pronounced point, elongated eyeteeth, height is 5 feet 9. Medium length neck. Oval head with fine cut cheek bones. Strong swimmers build with muscular calves, a longer muscled torso due to ability to give birth with flared hips. Long legs, defined light muscular arms typical length for size, hair in braids or dreadlocks with beads or feathers as accents, eyes are catlike and come in pearl and ocean blue colors. long fingers with claw-like nails, full lips, claw-like nails on feet with soft padding on the soles that allows for sprinting and climbing trees. Tattoo of yin and yang on back of neck and birth mark like a crescent moon on the inner thigh of left leg. Black camouflaged paint going from left side of head to right across the eyes as if for hunting purposes. Clothing is brown or black bodysuit made of strong material that doesn't tear stretching from top of neck to right above ankles with finger holes. Boots are optional due to they run and hunt barefoot. Light earth toned armor over upper arms around neck and over thighs.

PERSONALITY: Friendly, but silent. Always watchful as if looking for prey. Highly intelligent, fluent in several languages, always willing to act as a bodyguard in negotiation situations, spiritual and humble. Great sense of humor but can be very sarcastic and flat toned when needed.

SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF! Can run for long periods of time very fast due to hunting fast prey on home planet. Knowledgeable of many weapons from guns to spears and knives to hand to hand combat. High instincts, excellent hearing with a range of 500 feet. Can disappear into shadows but due to silent presence for the hunt and camouflaged clothing can seem as if to appear from thin air. Can hack technical systems. Can be a one-woman army if the situation calls for it.

NAME OF CHARACTER: Adjan Soria SPECIES NAME: Charturi (pronounced Sharturi) HOME PLANET: Charturion PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Female with brown Skin, elvish ears with a pronounced point, elongated eyeteeth, height is 5 feet 9. Medium length neck. Oval head with fine cut cheek bones. Strong swimmers build with muscular calves, a longer muscled torso due to ability to give birth with flared hips. Long legs, defined light muscular arms typical length for size, hair in braids or dreadlocks with beads or feathers as accents, eyes are catlike and come in pearl and ocean blue colors. long fingers with claw-like nails, full lips, claw-like nails on feet with soft padding on the soles that allows for sprinting and climbing trees. Tattoo of yin and yang on back of neck and birth mark like a crescent moon on the inner thigh of left leg. Black camouflaged paint going from left side of head to right across the eyes as if for hunting purposes. Clothing is brown or black bodysuit made of strong material that doesn't tear stretching from top of neck to right above ankles with finger holes. Boots are optional due to they run and hunt barefoot. Light earth toned armor over upper arms around neck and over thighs. PERSONALITY: Friendly, but silent. Always watchful as if looking for prey. Highly intelligent, fluent in several languages, always willing to act as a bodyguard in negotiation situations, spiritual and humble. Great sense of humor but can be very sarcastic and flat toned when needed. SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF! Can run for long periods of time very fast due to hunting fast prey on home planet. Knowledgeable of many weapons from guns to spears and knives to hand to hand combat. High instincts, excellent hearing with a range of 500 feet. Can disappear into shadows but due to silent presence for the hunt and camouflaged clothing can seem as if to appear from thin air. Can hack technical systems. Can be a one-woman army if the situation calls for it.
GuyDrgnLvr on Saturday, 16 January 2021 03:41

I would love to see something truly DIFFERENT as an alien. IDK how familiar you are with 40k but Demon Prince Fulgrim or a Tyranid esc creature would make an excellent addition to the crew! here is an idea of what I am talking about:

Anyway a truly different creature with multiple limbs, natural weapons, serpentine tail? chitinous armour and MAYBE some tentacles HEHEHEHEHE

EDIT: YUP I WENT SUPER NERDCORE DETAILED. Also, let it be known I have no knowledge of this universe yet so this is very much an insert wherever it works character and species that would be right at home on a 40k Deathword.


SPECIES NAME: Hel'marian

HOME PLANET: Hel'Mar Prime: An extremely dangerous world with an environment utterly inimical to most life, especially offworld life. An unstable biosphere results from a long elliptical orbit that brings the planet far from its sun at the far end. Life or rather its hazards on Hel'maw are split into 3 seasons: The planet is constantly pelted by asteroids due to passing close to a dense asteroid belt rich in exotic metals, these are then drawn into the planet's gravity well. the inhabitants call this the season of Sky'Hel, and it lasts for 1/2 months. It makes studying any permanent surface settlements suicidally dangerous as the rocks have proven capable of smashing even the most well-sited settlements. the rest of the year is spent gradually heating up or freezing to sub-arctic temperatures as the planets orbit nears or closes with its sun. surface temperatures slowly rise to 500c or plumet to 80 below over a period of 18 Terran months, the time depending on the location of other bodies in the system which block, reflect or otherwise influence the complex gravitic forces of this system. these tidal forces also cause frequent tectonic upheavals, geysers and eruptions. Despite this, the unique and rare metals and crystals created by the hellish system have made a very profitable seasonal mining operation, completely dependant on the locals for its success as only they dare brave the extremes of this world. the hel'marians take a massive 60% cut of all profits from the mining ops (yes ITS THAT PROFITABLE). Because of this the species have a keen business sense and are able to appraise all sorts of metals and crystals with no special tools. each is also a proficient crafter and carries several pieces of expertly crafted jewelry and weapons that would fetch a very high price off-world for their unique heritage and material value

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: On the THICC and long side no pun or innuendo intended. whatever size works but HE IS A BIG BRUISER.
Thick segmented armour over a serpentine body. thinner diamond-hard scales cover the abdomen and other areas. Dense layers of insulating muscle perform the dual task of storing heat and cooling the Hel'marian, depending on the season. At one end is a long narrow head with 4 eye sockets sunken into the cranial armour. A large bone crest protects the cranium and also serves to help to dig through softer materials. a number of specialized organs in the crest sense vibrations. One pair sees in standard spectrums while the second set sees in thermal and lowlight. two pairs of multi jointed limbs, one larger with shovel blades bone growths and the other pair under the first set has four long fingers each. Highly agile manipulators with pretty powerful grip strength help navigate and dig and craft in the mostly subterranean life of the hel'marians.

The Competition: Because one species isn't enough: They are also necessary for defence against the vicious competition of this world, all of whom feature similar adaptations but take different approaches to survival. the Hariiii'drak are horrific serpentine predators, replacing both arms for great leathery wings, prehensile enough to be used in combat. Using extreme agility to survive, they have a potent nerve paralyzing shriek used in surprise attacks and a powerful bone stinger tail that strike with the power of a jackhammer for flyby strikes on paralyzed pry, they use these tails to hang from rocks when at rest is very rare due to a hyperactive metabolism that keeps them perpetually on the hunt. The Scar'ifax Goregon is a massive armoured beast, Sacrificing the intelligence of the Hel'marians for far larger, stronger bodies they are living fortresses. The Skit'rimps are the opposite, small fast and agile, hunting in packs and willing to eat ANYTHING, secreting a potent acid enabling them to swim through rock. The Hel'marians have somehow found ways of domesticating all these creatures, and sometimes keep the Skit'rimps as pets!

PERSONALITY: Coming from a tribalistic survivalist society always on the brink in an extremely dangerous world, this character is devout to his comrades and utterly murderous to those who would betray or harm his own in anyway. Takes deep pride in his heritage and skills as a warrior and crafter. DOES NOT suffer fools, and is an eminently practical survivor who will do whatever needs doing no matter how "distasteful" weaker species may find it. Works well with others who earn his respect and have practical skills that contribute to the group's survival. Cares little for the petty divisions of others, as these are just an impediment to survival. Frequently be found crafting or evaluating the value of whatever craft or materials or artistry falls into his sight. is very proud of a massive gem-studded razor-edged titanium mace that was craft by his tribe as a gift when he saved several from a Hariiii'drak ambush.

Despite his size, is quite capable of deathly silence, the kind that happens just before you found your head missing. Depending on emotional state and circumstance, has a deep growly voice like rocks being crunched or a suppurating hypnotizing one. like all of his kin, he is a ferocious warrior and highly adept burrower able to survive just about anywhere. He has a Skit'rimp called appropriately enough "Hel'biter" which is surprisingly affectionate, spending most of its time raped around its favourite heatsource, ready to melt the face off any who would threaten him or his.

Also, he is a NERD of the finest type. Loves all things engineering-related and giant robots are a special love of his! loves to nerd out over crafting and engineering science, he can turn bright red in heated debates!. He has a special super reinforced 1/60 scale ASW-08 Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex watch (from iron blooded orphans, he thinks of it as a nerdy totem animal)

SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF!: aside from all the above, has chameleon-like skin that shifts depending on ambient temperature and mood from a furious volcanic orange to Coal-black and all the colours of the rainbow. the changes in colour are automatic. The heavily armoured creature is also a hermaphrodite! this is due to the extreme native world making the concept of multiple sexes another way to get extinct fast. GORRRRRRAX FEL'MAW goes into VOLCANIC heat when aroused, once again a necessary evolution on a world always trying to kill you it makes reproduction EASIER! A very capable digger and crafter whose keen senses can spot or even feel weakness in materials and structures invisible to normal eyes.

I would love to see something truly DIFFERENT as an alien. IDK how familiar you are with 40k but Demon Prince Fulgrim or a Tyranid esc creature would make an excellent addition to the crew! here is an idea of what I am talking about: [img][/img] Anyway a truly different creature with multiple limbs, natural weapons, serpentine tail? chitinous armour and MAYBE some tentacles HEHEHEHEHE EDIT: YUP I WENT SUPER NERDCORE DETAILED. Also, let it be known I have no knowledge of this universe yet so this is very much an insert wherever it works character and species that would be right at home on a 40k Deathword. NAME OF CHARACTER: CHIEF WARRIOR GORRRRRAX FEL'MAW SPECIES NAME: Hel'marian HOME PLANET: Hel'Mar Prime: An extremely dangerous world with an environment utterly inimical to most life, especially offworld life. An unstable biosphere results from a long elliptical orbit that brings the planet far from its sun at the far end. Life or rather its hazards on Hel'maw are split into 3 seasons: The planet is constantly pelted by asteroids due to passing close to a dense asteroid belt rich in exotic metals, these are then drawn into the planet's gravity well. the inhabitants call this the season of Sky'Hel, and it lasts for 1/2 months. It makes studying any permanent surface settlements suicidally dangerous as the rocks have proven capable of smashing even the most well-sited settlements. the rest of the year is spent gradually heating up or freezing to sub-arctic temperatures as the planets orbit nears or closes with its sun. surface temperatures slowly rise to 500c or plumet to 80 below over a period of 18 Terran months, the time depending on the location of other bodies in the system which block, reflect or otherwise influence the complex gravitic forces of this system. these tidal forces also cause frequent tectonic upheavals, geysers and eruptions. Despite this, the unique and rare metals and crystals created by the hellish system have made a very profitable seasonal mining operation, completely dependant on the locals for its success as only they dare brave the extremes of this world. the hel'marians take a massive 60% cut of all profits from the mining ops (yes ITS THAT PROFITABLE). Because of this the species have a keen business sense and are able to appraise all sorts of metals and crystals with no special tools. each is also a proficient crafter and carries several pieces of expertly crafted jewelry and weapons that would fetch a very high price off-world for their unique heritage and material value PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: On the THICC and long side :p no pun or innuendo intended. whatever size works but HE IS A BIG BRUISER. Thick segmented armour over a serpentine body. thinner diamond-hard scales cover the abdomen and other areas. Dense layers of insulating muscle perform the dual task of storing heat and cooling the Hel'marian, depending on the season. At one end is a long narrow head with 4 eye sockets sunken into the cranial armour. A large bone crest protects the cranium and also serves to help to dig through softer materials. a number of specialized organs in the crest sense vibrations. One pair sees in standard spectrums while the second set sees in thermal and lowlight. two pairs of multi jointed limbs, one larger with shovel blades bone growths and the other pair under the first set has four long fingers each. Highly agile manipulators with pretty powerful grip strength help navigate and dig and craft in the mostly subterranean life of the hel'marians. The Competition: Because one species isn't enough: They are also necessary for defence against the vicious competition of this world, all of whom feature similar adaptations but take different approaches to survival. the Hariiii'drak are horrific serpentine predators, replacing both arms for great leathery wings, prehensile enough to be used in combat. Using extreme agility to survive, they have a potent nerve paralyzing shriek used in surprise attacks and a powerful bone stinger tail that strike with the power of a jackhammer for flyby strikes on paralyzed pry, they use these tails to hang from rocks when at rest is very rare due to a hyperactive metabolism that keeps them perpetually on the hunt. The Scar'ifax Goregon is a massive armoured beast, Sacrificing the intelligence of the Hel'marians for far larger, stronger bodies they are living fortresses. The Skit'rimps are the opposite, small fast and agile, hunting in packs and willing to eat ANYTHING, secreting a potent acid enabling them to swim through rock. The Hel'marians have somehow found ways of domesticating all these creatures, and sometimes keep the Skit'rimps as pets! PERSONALITY: Coming from a tribalistic survivalist society always on the brink in an extremely dangerous world, this character is devout to his comrades and utterly murderous to those who would betray or harm his own in anyway. Takes deep pride in his heritage and skills as a warrior and crafter. DOES NOT suffer fools, and is an eminently practical survivor who will do whatever needs doing no matter how "distasteful" weaker species may find it. Works well with others who earn his respect and have practical skills that contribute to the group's survival. Cares little for the petty divisions of others, as these are just an impediment to survival. Frequently be found crafting or evaluating the value of whatever craft or materials or artistry falls into his sight. is very proud of a massive gem-studded razor-edged titanium mace that was craft by his tribe as a gift when he saved several from a Hariiii'drak ambush. Despite his size, is quite capable of deathly silence, the kind that happens just before you found your head missing. Depending on emotional state and circumstance, has a deep growly voice like rocks being crunched or a suppurating hypnotizing one. like all of his kin, he is a ferocious warrior and highly adept burrower able to survive just about anywhere. He has a Skit'rimp called appropriately enough "Hel'biter" which is surprisingly affectionate, spending most of its time raped around its favourite heatsource, ready to melt the face off any who would threaten him or his. Also, he is a NERD of the finest type. Loves all things engineering-related and giant robots are a special love of his! loves to nerd out over crafting and engineering science, he can turn bright red in heated debates!. He has a special super reinforced 1/60 scale ASW-08 Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex watch (from iron blooded orphans, he thinks of it as a nerdy totem animal) SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF!: aside from all the above, has chameleon-like skin that shifts depending on ambient temperature and mood from a furious volcanic orange to Coal-black and all the colours of the rainbow. the changes in colour are automatic. The heavily armoured creature is also a hermaphrodite;)! this is due to the extreme native world making the concept of multiple sexes another way to get extinct fast. GORRRRRRAX FEL'MAW goes into VOLCANIC heat when aroused, once again a necessary evolution on a world always trying to kill you it makes reproduction EASIER! A very capable digger and crafter whose keen senses can spot or even feel weakness in materials and structures invisible to normal eyes.
Erasmus_ArchMage on Saturday, 16 January 2021 04:52

NAME OF CHARACTER: Erasmus Paradise (They/Them), child of Rashta of Clan Paradise

SPECIES NAME: Daemons are a race of bipedal humanoid beings, ranging from 5'0 to 6'0 in height. A colorful species, one can find a varied selection of skin tones from jewel tones to monochromatic or even pastel colors. Each member of the species has a pair of curved horns atop their head and a slim tail with a spade tip.

HOME PLANET: The Daemons came from the planet once known as Thera. The planet of Thera was once a lush tropical planet with sloping hills and piercing mountaintops. Glittering cities had dotted its’ surface, cliff-sides, forests, and prairie lands.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Erasmus stands 5'0, set on the smaller scale of Daemons, with an androgynous build, ruby-red skin, and a pair of antlered horns. Long voluminous win red curls ending at their hips and framing their face. Their eyes are golden in color with no pupil-genetic trait of Daemons. Erasmus wears some make-up at times to add flare to themselves. They tend to wear flowy thin fabrics with bells hanging from antlers along with simple chains/chokers/etc. around their neck.

PERSONALITY: As a Daemon, Erasmus is always careful on who they approach-watching for how a person reacts to their arrival or presence in the room. When they do care for another person they are protective and motherly of those around them. As a clever engineer, Erasmus pays more attention to the little things-including the behaviors of those around them. Tending to come over and discuss things when they see their friends in need. Unlike many of their species, Erasmus is not flirty with others-they tend to be polite and respectful but distant. To some, they seem almost ethereal. With Jace, however, they are kind and tend to answer questions in a straight-forward manner (this could be due to Jace having a pact/contract with Erasmus). Khoth may get irritated with their behavior.
If someone has made a deal with them, Erasmus will first attempt to gauge what the individual is asking before settling into the fine details of the deal. If they feel that the deal will be advantageous to their Clan or themselves they will agree and hold strong to the deal. However, if the individual to which the deal was formed is at any point dishonest, Erasmus will break the deal. Breaking the deal is a last resort that is not taken lightly by any Daemon.

SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF!: Nomadic by nature, many Daemons leave their home planet to travel and learn skills from others. After a certain amount of time, the nomadic Daemon returns to Thera to present their chosen craft to their clan. When that is completed, the Daemon is seen as an adult by their community along with any non-daemon Clan they have created.
While traveling and learning a craft, the Daemon uses their Clan name as their name (ie: Paradise instead of Erasmus). The use of their Clan name is an attempt to hold onto their Clan and home. Outsiders who know their True name and Clan name are seen highly among the Daemon-especially when it is given freely (seen as a sign of respect). Clans can be made from their blood relations but have been known to be a collection of other species.
The culture of Daemon is one more carefree and family oriented-however, much like their mythical namesakes, Daemons are known to make ‘deals’ with people. None have ever taken souls; however, any deals made between Daemons or between other Species are followed to the letter and spirit. That is not to say that they are not clever and trickster-like in their deal making-it is common for a deal to benefit the Daemon in some way. Daemons as a whole in the universe are not as openly accepted by some of the other Species. This has made their species independent to an extent as they rely on themselves for certain skills or things.

[u]NAME OF CHARACTER[/u]: Erasmus Paradise (They/Them), child of Rashta of Clan Paradise [u]SPECIES NAME[/u]: Daemons are a race of bipedal humanoid beings, ranging from 5'0 to 6'0 in height. A colorful species, one can find a varied selection of skin tones from jewel tones to monochromatic or even pastel colors. Each member of the species has a pair of curved horns atop their head and a slim tail with a spade tip. [u]HOME PLANET[/u]: The Daemons came from the planet once known as Thera. The planet of Thera was once a lush tropical planet with sloping hills and piercing mountaintops. Glittering cities had dotted its’ surface, cliff-sides, forests, and prairie lands. [u]PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION[/u]: Erasmus stands 5'0, set on the smaller scale of Daemons, with an androgynous build, ruby-red skin, and a pair of antlered horns. Long voluminous win red curls ending at their hips and framing their face. Their eyes are golden in color with no pupil-genetic trait of Daemons. Erasmus wears some make-up at times to add flare to themselves. They tend to wear flowy thin fabrics with bells hanging from antlers along with simple chains/chokers/etc. around their neck. [u]PERSONALITY[/u]: As a Daemon, Erasmus is always careful on who they approach-watching for how a person reacts to their arrival or presence in the room. When they do care for another person they are protective and motherly of those around them. As a clever engineer, Erasmus pays more attention to the little things-including the behaviors of those around them. Tending to come over and discuss things when they see their friends in need. Unlike many of their species, Erasmus is not flirty with others-they tend to be polite and respectful but distant. To some, they seem almost ethereal. With Jace, however, they are kind and tend to answer questions in a straight-forward manner (this could be due to Jace having a pact/contract with Erasmus). Khoth may get irritated with their behavior. If someone has made a deal with them, Erasmus will first attempt to gauge what the individual is asking before settling into the fine details of the deal. If they feel that the deal will be advantageous to their Clan or themselves they will agree and hold strong to the deal. However, if the individual to which the deal was formed is at any point dishonest, Erasmus will break the deal. Breaking the deal is a last resort that is not taken lightly by any Daemon. [u]SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF![/u]: Nomadic by nature, many Daemons leave their home planet to travel and learn skills from others. After a certain amount of time, the nomadic Daemon returns to Thera to present their chosen craft to their clan. When that is completed, the Daemon is seen as an adult by their community along with any non-daemon Clan they have created. While traveling and learning a craft, the Daemon uses their Clan name as their name (ie: Paradise instead of Erasmus). The use of their Clan name is an attempt to hold onto their Clan and home. Outsiders who know their True name and Clan name are seen highly among the Daemon-especially when it is given freely (seen as a sign of respect). Clans can be made from their blood relations but have been known to be a collection of other species. The culture of Daemon is one more carefree and family oriented-however, much like their mythical namesakes, Daemons are known to make ‘deals’ with people. None have ever taken souls; however, any deals made between Daemons or between other Species are followed to the letter and spirit. That is not to say that they are not clever and trickster-like in their deal making-it is common for a deal to benefit the Daemon in some way. Daemons as a whole in the universe are not as openly accepted by some of the other Species. This has made their species independent to an extent as they rely on themselves for certain skills or things.
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